At the Pembrokeshire Learning Centre we value the abilities and achievements of all learners, and are committed to providing the best environment for learning and growth. Our staff encourage and support pupils to reach their full potential, increase self-esteem and experience success. At the PLC we recognise that many pupils will have additional or different needs at some time during their school life.
The PLC strives to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils. The Curriculum for Wales underpins our planning to ensure we meet the specific needs of individuals and groups of learners. When planning, teachers set suitable learning challenges and experiences to respond to pupil’s diverse learning needs. Some pupils have barriers to learning that mean they have needs that are additional to and different from their peers and require particular action, reasonable adjustment or bespoke intervention and support.
We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, impairment, attainment and background. We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners.
All pupils have access to PLC specialist educational provision through a graduated response within their mainstream schools, the involvement of LA officers and advisory teams evidence is submitted to Local Authority multi agency panels to determine ALN and the most appropriate placement
ALN Reform
You may already be aware that there are changes being made to the way that Special Educational Needs (now referred to as ‘Additional Learning Needs’) will be carried out in schools. In readiness for this, some schools are already making changes, e.g. in the way that meetings with parents and pupils are held. At the PLC we are implementing the new recommendations in line with Pembrokeshire County Council and Welsh Government guidance. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) and Deputy Head Lisa Harries;
Additional Learning Needs Transformation
September 2021 – August 2025
Additional Learning Needs in Wales – what’s happening?
ALN Factsheet - How will the Act affect Children, Young People and Parents/Carers?
How can I help my child?
At the Pembrokeshire Learning Centre we firmly believe in developing a strong partnership with parents enabling children and young people with ALN to achieve their full potential and become ‘ambitious, capable learners’, ‘enterprising, creative contributors’, ‘ethical, informed citizens’ and ‘healthy, confident individuals’ (Donaldson, ‘Successful Futures’, 2015). We recognise that parents have a unique overview of the child’s needs and how best to support them and that this gives them a key role in the partnership.
The act recognises that Parents hold key information and have a critical role to play in their children’s education. They have unique strengths, knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of a child’s needs and the best way of supporting them. We therefore consider parents of ALN children as valued partners in the process.
Should you have any concerns or need specific advice, please contact the ALNCo or alternatively one of the Advisory Staff listed below, who will be able to signpost you to the appropriate support.
Contacts for Support
Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) of the Pembrokeshire Learning Centre
Autism Spectrum Condition/Complex Needs/Speech & Language/SpLD
Hearing Impaired/Vision Impaired/ Medical/English Additional Language
Behaviour Support Service– Behaviour, emotional and social difficulties
Educational Psychology Service
Education Welfare Service
Parent Partnership
Parent Partnership Services provide free and impartial advice, guidance and support to parents of children and young people with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and children and young people with ALN.
Click here for further info
Or alternatively call 01437 776354 or email Leonie Rayner- Team Leader